My first flight was an oldie, an Astron Sprite I'd picked up via eBay several years back. I'd flown it once before, but realized then that it was likely quite a bit older than I'd thought as it had been set up to use the old Estes "shorty" motors. Luckily for me, a piece had fallen off of the A8-3 I'd planned to use.
Wow, to say it just disappeared wouldn't be doing justice to the way it just disappeared. As far as we could tell, it was a dead straight flight, but we just don't know. What we do know was that someone other than myself caught a glimpse of it landing off to the left of the flightline. The shorty motor had bypassed the motor hook and was nowhere to be found, so it's difficult to say if it tumbled or came down like the little bullet it is.
One of the rockets I'd worked on at the build session on Tuesday was the Estes MX Missile. It had started out as just a nose cone, but I cut an 11" BT-60 body tube out of shop scraps and gathered some of the internals to take with me on Tuesday night. I bought an Estes Freefall to serve as the donor for the fin assembly and had construction largely completed by the time the build session ended. I was on vacation the rest of the week and spent one day painting and generally catching up on projects. I had printed off a set of MX Missile decals from the JimZ site, but wasn't happy with how I applied them, so I'll be trying again at a later date.
The C6-5 flight took off to the left, which I was completely unprepared for. (The previous launch everything had gone to the right. Don't ask.) Altitude was to around 800' and likely was affected by the fairly extreme windcocking. Ejection came as it was sideways, unsurprisingly. It then began a fast run away from the flightline toward the soccer fields, but not near any of the games that were in progress. All parts were present and accounted for and I declared the project a success. All in all, a great use of the Estes Freefall kit. Since the same fin can is used for the Gemini Titan and since I have a nose cone ready to go, I'll no doubt be buying another Freefall kit in the near future.
Flight #3 would be the big disappointment on the day for me. It was an MPC Pioneer-1 that I'd collected the parts for and finished the previous day. Nothing wildly exciting, but I'm always up for flying a vintage MPC kit, so the Pioneer-1 was one of two kits I'd brought along for the day. Mike has just finished making a rude gesture that was unfortunately not caught.
I chose a B6-6 for the flight and a streamer for recovery, the Pioneer-1 not being a large rocket. It was more than enough power. WAY more than enough. The Pioneer-1 flew back over the flightline and was all but out of sight when the ejection charge fired. Everything worked as expected. The streamer looked to be slowing things down, and then suddenly, it wasn't. The P-1 began falling rapidly, following the plastic fin unit back toward the flightline. 100' from the ground it stopped following the fins and dropped like a rock, right into the bed of Prez Dave's truck.
There was shrapnel.
When I was packing up for the launch that morning, the Estes Rogue Voyager caught my eye. When I'd built it several years earlier I wasn't entirely happy with how it turned out, but once I got it painted and decaled, my opinion of it changed. I've since come to appreciate it as one of John Boren's best designs, my personal second favorite behind the JBR-013.
The Rogue Voyager flight would be on a C6-5, pretty much the standard load on a field of this size. Another oddity on the day, the flight was dead straight to about 800', tipping over just as it ejected, then riding the breeze back into the soccer fields. Might have been a good idea to reef the chute, but I think this one was going to be a hike no matter what.
Every company has a fire-and-forget mini engine bird. Estes has several, the Streak, Mosquito, Quark and 220 Swift. Centuri had the Two Bitz. Custom contributed the Sunracer. I've managed to fly and recover the bulk of the f&f kits in my collection, with the 220 Swift being the only one to continuously confound me by disappearing. Twice. This would be the third flight of the Sunracer, and the first since a hard hit on the B6-4 Field infield caused a rekitting in 2015. It's spent the last six years as a desk ornament, but I couldn't leave well enough alone.
The Rocket red paint is the only hope this one has. It's quick off the pad and the flight is often over before the I look away from the viewfinder. Both previous flights were on 1/4As, but in the spirit of the day, I decided to go with the big 1/2A3-4T on the big field. True to form, once I looked up from getting the launch video I had little chance of finding the rocket in the air. In fact, none. Mike Rohde saw the flash of Rocket Red in the outfield of another baseball field, this one behind us and to the left. That's all I have to say about that. Well, except that it was recovered for a record breaking third time.
BAR-dom was a relatively new thing when I got back into the hobby in 2001. As a result, there were quite a few OOP rockets hanging on the pegs at places I shopped. I picked up the next rocket at the Milford Johnny's, then couldn't figure out why I bought it. I'm guessing it was for the unique nose cone, but it may have just been because I realized it was an old kit. (Smart me would have gone around and cherry-picked the pegs for kits like this to fund my retirement, but I've never met smart me.) Years went by before I decided to build it, and when I did, I couldn't bring myself to paint it in the colors on the face card. By a stroke of luck, it was built during my fascination with Midnight Black Metallic spray paint.
For some reason, I had no B6-4s for this flight, but I found myself loaded with B6-6s. This B6-6 flight flew back over the flightline, ejected over the trees and recovered deep in the field, almost making the soccer fields. The fiber fins have made three flights and are holding up better than I thought they would.
The time to go home was drawing near, so I decided to go big with the next flight. The PDR A-20 Demon had been flight ready for most of the 2021 flying season, but for some reason it kept getting left loaded for the next time. Since it had last flown in 2011, I was more than ready to get it off my "need to fly" list. The last flight at NARAM 53 resulted in the motor mount blowing out at ejection, so I replaced it with an E-capable mount. This would be the first E12 flight.
The flight was impressive, an arc back over the flightline and way over the treeline to around 1000'. At ejection it was immediately obvious that I was going to be seeing a lot of the football and soccer fields. Drift was fairly prodigious and I wound up seeing parts of the soccer fields that I'd never known existed. As it turned out, I wasn't done seeing new parts of the soccer complex.
The Estes Defender was next, and like the A-20 Demon, it had spent time on the traveling team for much of 2021, but circumstances had kept it from flying. Not sure why, but the one and only flight previously had come in 2006 with QUARK at VOA. In the years since I bought a set of decals from Excelsior, but never seemed to think about it when flight time came around.
The D12-5 flight was a near copy of the A-20 Demon, arcing back over the flightline, easily clearing the trees and topping out around 1000'. At ejection is when things got different. We were able to track the Defender as it passed over us, but it disappeared for all three of us around the same time. In situations like this, I normally start scanning the horizon, hoping to catch a glimpse of it before it lands. I had nothing, and was just about to give up and take a drive when Lee Berry saw it just before touchdown. He was able to give me a point of reference and after a long walk, I was able to spot it off in the distance. It was quite a bit further than the A-20 Demon had drifted, possibly in the adjoining county.
My last flight of the day would be a rocket I finished at the build session at eRockets the previous Tuesday, the Estes D.O.M. Orbital Transport Laboratory. This would be my second version of this Estes plan, the first having bounced off of a car on US 27 during one of my socially distant launches back in the spring of 2020. After it hit the car, the car ran over it, so there was definitely a grudge. I was able to salvage the nose cone, parachute, motor hook and launch lug, but it took a long time to get reinterested in the project.
The flight would be on a C6-5, so I was obviously figuring on making another soccer trip. Never happened. The flight was plenty high, topping out around 750' after a trip back over the flightline. It never made the soccer fields, but got as close as possible without actually hitting the pitch, snugging up against the hurricane fencing that separates the two fields.
I consider fourteen flight a pretty successful day, but as usual, I left a lot of bullets still in the magazine. As I finish this entry, it's already past mid-October and I have eleven days to get a launch day in to keep me on track for a launch per month. The next WSR launch is scheduled for the 30th, but Saturday is looking like the only day in the next four that rain isn't expected, so I'll be eyeing B6-4 for clear spots just to hedge my bets.
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